Saturday, November 10, 2007


I spent the afternoon at the bookfair on Frenchmen. It was quite the affair.

By the book collective booth [in reference to person #1's significant other]:
#1: "He's like a drunk yeti. A drunk yeti on acid."
#2: "Really?"
#1:"Yeah. Violent too. I mean, really perky? Yeah, perky."

Front door at Ray's:
kid: "Otto told me that this [the hollow at the base of the neck] is the toughest bone in my body."
mom: "Oh yeah? He said that?"
Kid: "Mhmm...and that if it were any higher, it would make my neck blow up..."

Handicrafts/Vegan table:
"And these pom poms on here? Yeah, they're symbolic...of moles."

Seriously, one of the more entertaining afternoons I've had lately!

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