Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Things I learned in Theology today...

*Note: What follows is a fairly snobby diatribe. If you perhaps may be offended by my momentary snobbery, please read elsewhere.

Somehow we got off subject today and began discussing entropy. Now there's no chance in the world that I can explain to you what the second law of thermodynamics has to do with systematic theology (at least not as it was being discussed today), but I can tell you this: the word, friends, is ENTROPY, not ANTHROPY. If we're going throw around big words for the professor, let's make sure they are actual words.


beth hintze said...

oh, that is just TOO funny! Gotta love those seminary brown-nosers! and I speak from first-hand experience, for those who know me, as an observer, NOT a brown-noser!

Jeff Watkins said...

The Law of Entropy states that when an object expends energy, it will eventually become depleated of energy.


I'm sure you knew that already.