Friday, July 04, 2008

What you should be doing

Now that I'm in the process of finding new employment, I think I'll try my hand at being a life coach. Let's see how it goes.

1. Listen to the Figs. "3/4" is especially lovely.

2. Read this article and report back. I'm torn.

3. Borrow and watch Volver, even if you hate subtitles. It's totally worth it.

In real life, I'm working non-stop, learning the art of spending oneself broke, and considering never using shampoo again. Apparently that's a big thing these days.

1 comment:

Amy Jones said...

That's a clever rabbi. I think he has a point. I've never been in a single sex situation for more than three days in my life, so it's hard for me to know. but I think I can see his point.